*Note : This product is available at backorder. This product will be shipped to you as soon as it is in stock. It will take 15 to 20 days to reach you. If you made prepaid order then your order will get confirmed first and if you placed an order on cash on delivery, then it will take time to confirm your order. There is no refund in any of these cases.
5.8G UVC OTG Android Phone Receiver is a new receiver that you can connect to your smartphone directly instead of a heavy monitor and is good for those who feel dizzy when wearing FPV goggles.
- Support all 5.8G transmission.
- Support av output, audio output, there are reserved solder joints.
- Channel up to 150,
- 2m accuracy
- New function:
- 150 frequency
- automatic sweep frequency
- frequency analyzer graphical interface
- snow display
- more simple and beautiful appearance
- Support any flight control, any aircraft.
Package Includes:
1× EWRF 5.8G UVC OTG Android Audio/Video Phone Receiver